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Do I need SEO?

SEO - the science of Google rankings.

Hang on - what is website SEO?

SEO - or Search Engine Optimisation, is essentially the process of ensuring your site is visiable in Google or Bing results and that its ranking for relevant Keywords. A Keyword or Keyphrase is a word or words a person enters into a search engine to find whatever they are searching for. These are generally relevant to your industry, product or services.

An example of SEO Keywords relevant to this topic that a potential client may enter would be:

"Geelong SEO services"

The above may be used by somebody when seeking to find an SEO provider.  Most of the results that appear in Google, will come from providers who have done their due dilligence and have a website successfully optimised for those 3 keywords...meaning they will generate traffic for anybody searching for those keywords.

To use an old analogy:

  • Not being in Google is like not appearing in the yellow pages or forgetting your advert.
  • Ranking for the wrong keywords is like having your building company, listed under the hospitality suppliers page.

Both can be critical to bringing in new business and the ongoing sucess of your own business.

Doing SEO yourself or having somebody do SEO ensures you are best placed to not only appear on Google or Bing but also appear in the right spots.

How does SEO work?

SEO includes many different approaches, from onsite structural changes, right through to back links from other sites, blogs or forums - social media also plays a role in effecitve SEO campaigns.  Its a wide ranging and complicated process but in most cases, a combination of various tactics is the most effective method.

Some people do tackle SEO themselves - but it can be fraught with danger. It may reduce your rankings or rank for entirely wrong keywords and worse case, incorrect SEO may even get you completely banned from Google!

....worse case, incorrect SEO may even get you completely banned from Google!

Its important SEO is done correctly and the best people to do that, are those who deal with SEO practices on a daily basis. Like us here at Ed Hosting - check out our SEO services for more info.

How Much Does SEO cost?

SEO costs can vary - and are really adjusted to suit the budget of clients.  You will be hard pressed to find a proper SEO provider who will do much for under $500 per month - but when it comes down to it, you will get what you pay for. The higher the budget and outlay, the better the return you should get. Again, to use the Yellow Pages example from above, a single line entry advert will be a lot cheaper than a quarter page color advert - but which one will generate more interest from perspective clients?

Be wary of the SEO Provider promising over the top results, such things as "We can gurantee you number one rank on Google". They cant - and such sales pitches should have you running a million miles.  Just consider that there is only one #1 result for a particular key word - and if all SEO providers made that promise, there would be a lot of very upset people who dont actually finish #1.

SEO is very much a best practice process - and a slow an steady approach over at least a couple of months, will assure you get solid results and ongoing results.

Feel free to ask ED Hosting if you have any questions about SEO, we are also more than happy to do a free SEO consultation if you need more info relevant to your site.

Free SEO Consultation

Just complete the contact form below and we will be in touch with more details!

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